George “Red Dog” Warren

George was always the insider/outsider. He knew everybody but behaved differently than anybody. He often spoke the unspeakable and contradicted the acceptable. No doubt, this one of the reasons that I always sought his company at Barnstable parties, that and he was always good for a smoke (although I haven’t smoked in years).
George was always a mentor to me. He was a fantastic artist, and I am proud to have pieces of his art in my house. His love of fishing for stripers with a fly rod is a tradition that I have carried on because George taught me that catching a fish on fly that you tied is so much better than catching a fish on bait or some store-bought plastic lure. I know that when I cast my fly into Barnstable Harbor I am following in the tradition of George Warren, one of the early saltwater fly anglers.
Many of my friends have treasured pieces of George’s art in their homes. I have a beautiful carving of a rainbow trout (see above) as well as a detailed water color. George is known for his beautiful coffee tables featuring a glass case containing his meticulous carvings.
Nevertheless, George’s most well known piece of art, one that has been viewed by many men (and very few women), is the striped bass painting that hangs (to this day) in the men’s room at the Dolphin Restaurant here in Barnstable Village.
-Avery Revere, Fly Fishing Guide BH